sweet Shiva Shirazi sweet Shiva Shirazi

Raspberry Spelt Summer Cake

Imagine a mid-day in summer when the sun is touching your skin, and a fresh breeze passes; this cake is the concentration of this feeling; it is warm and crisp at the same time.

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sweet Shiva Shirazi sweet Shiva Shirazi

Lemon Lilac Loaf Cake

It is the middle of May, and we are grateful for joining our friends in their lovely countryside homestead in France. This place is a …

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sweet Shiva Shirazi sweet Shiva Shirazi

Apricot Clafoutis

Spring has finally arrived, and I can appreciate reading books under the warm sun. As I was reading Marie Claude Bisson's cookbook, I …

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sweet Shiva Shirazi sweet Shiva Shirazi

Flaky Galette Crust

When I was living in Vancouver, I had the sweetest neighbors. My Northside neighbor was Ajax. A lovely lady with the most beautiful garden you can imagine.

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sweet Shiva Shirazi sweet Shiva Shirazi

Rhubarb and Rose Financiers

Another financier, I know. I had a few leftover egg whites and enough ground almonds to make another batch of financiers with one of my favorite spring vegetables, rhubarb.

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